8x6 Potting Sheds

All of the potting sheds below are available in 8ft x 6ft configurations, from top brands like Clearview and Swallow. The wood used by both is very high quality and treated to be durable.

The 8x6 mid-sized potting shed is very popular, offering plenty of space to store both tools and young plants.

Free delivery and installation is included with all potting sheds.

4 Items
Clearview 6'-8" x 8'-5" Oxfordshire
£2,757.00  -  £3,391.00
Clearview 8'-9" x 6'-4" Cambridgeshire
£2,849.00  -  £3,703.00
Swallow 6'-8 x 8'-4 Jay Potting Shed
£3,410.00  -  £3,836.00
Swallow 8'-9 x 6'-4 Rook Potting Shed
£3,872.00  -  £4,840.00

6x8 Potting Shed vs 6x8 Greenhouse

You may be considering a potting shed vs a 6x8 greenhouse instead.

Below we cover the pros of each:

Pros of a 6x8 Potting Shed

  1. Hybrid use - a potting shed can be used for both storing tools and growing young plants, making it versatile.
  2. Looks better - a potting shed looks nicer than most greenhouses.
  3. More colours - potting sheds tend to be available in a more diverse range of colours than greenhouses.
  4. Heavy duty - most potting sheds are much heavier and sturdy than a greenhouse.

Pros of a 6x8 Greenhouse

  1. Cheaper - a greenhouse usually costs a lot less than a potting shed due to less materials being used.
  2. Flexible position - a greenhouse is usually lighter, making it easier to move around the garden.
  3. More space for plants - greenhouses are designer solely for growing, making them better when you only want to use them for growing plants.